Finance has 297 bills to consider, we have held 67 bill hearings and voted on 32 of the bills, only 230 to go; we have our work cut out for us!
I have “dropped” my final 3 pieces of legislation before the Senate Introduction Deadline on Monday:
SB0999 Certified Nursing Assistants - Licensing Requirements and Administrative Updates
SB1000 Maryland Health Care Commission - Nursing Homes - Acquisitions
SB1001 Alcoholic Beverages - Class 4 Limited Winery License - Requirements and Authorizations
As always, you can view all of the legislation that we are working on the General Assembly website.
This week I had my first bill hearing on SB466 Wage and Hour Law - Minor League Baseball Players - Exemption. This legislation exempts minor league baseball players from Maryland wage and hours laws. They will be paid under the terms of their collective bargaining agreement. I was delighted to have a representative of Major League Baseball on my panel for the hearing.
It was a pleasure to connect with the Maryland Pharmacy Coalition, Anne Arundel Community College Students, and the American Academy of Pediatricians to learn about their legislative priorities. Thank you for coming by and sharing your insights!
The Governor gave his second State of the State on Wednesday. I was excited to see the Governor’s updated plan for state government including initiatives to:
I'm excited to work with the Governor on these issues. You can view the full State of the State Address here and the full 2024 State Plan here